
How hair loss ist diagnosed

Depending on the type of hair loss various laboratory tests are required, such as making a haemogram(blood test), checking the liver, kidney und thyroid gland values, as well as checking the zinc and iron levels. No further clarification is needed for typical heriditary hair loss in men. For women a deterimination of the hormonal status may be needed.

To assert a raised level of hair loss, an epilation test can be done. To do this a bushel of hair is grabbed and pulled. If several hairs can be removed painlessly at different places, this is a pointer to pathalogical hair loss.

More precise information can be obtained by making a trichogram. Hair should not have been washed 6 days prior to the examination. A small hair bushel is removed from the forehead and the back of the head. Using a microscope the hairs are classified and counted according to the stage of their growth phase. This examination can hint as to whether the loss of hair is due to medication, inheritance or other factors.

A photo trichogram is mainly used in studies, as it requires hair on a sovereign sized portion of the scalp to be cut to a length of 1 cm. This area is then photographed, whereupon all hair in this area is then shaved right down to the skin of the scalp and photogaphed again. 3 days later the same area is photographed for a third time. Hair that is in its growth phase will have grown to a length of approximately 1 mm. A comparison of the first and third day pictures will produce a percentage of the hair in growth phase and hair in its dormant phase.

A microscopic analisis of the hair shafts can determin the cause of hair loss that is due to hair shaft anomalies.

To create a histologic analisis a microscopic examination of the skin is done, usually only for scarring hair loss where the hair follicles have been destroyed leading to permanent baldness.
Haar-Kompetenzzentrum Freiburg, Dr. Danuta Sobczak, Fachärztin für Dermatologie
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 262, 79098 Freiburg, Telefon 0761 3837400